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Media and Podcasts

A creativity strategy modelled from Walt Disney

In this video, I am a panel member on a Webinar organized by APM (Association of Project Managers) representing ANLP (Association of NLP) where we talk about the Imagineering model and how to apply it within the project world. 
Note, please click the link to watch on YouTube.

The Inspiring Thoughts Podcast

In this podcast, I talk about bringing NLP to life!

Student Start-Up Project Podcast

I was interviewed by Christine at the Student Startup Project where I talk about how you can use NLP to achieve greatness:


Episode one Introduction to NLP

Episode two Purpose and Identity
Episode three
 Values and Beliefs

Episode Four Capabilities, behaviours, and environment

The Kindness Project Podcast

I was interviewed by the Kindness Project where I talk about my new book and how you can use NLP to support your own self-care. Here are the three episodes below:


Episode one (my interview starts 20 mins 20 seconds in)

Episode two (my interview starts 23 mins 30 seconds in)
Episode three (
my interview starts 15 mins 45 seconds in)


Discover how NLP can help you to get a better night's sleep

I am speaking at the NLP International Conference in May 2022 and my topic is NLP and Sleep... Works Together Like a Dream. I will be sharing my talk at the April 2022 practice workshop plus see The Secret of Sleep Course if you want to learn more.

NLP International Conference 2022 Banner

Discover how NLP can help you to achieve greatness in your life

In this recording, I am interviewed by Tracey at CCR Radio.

Click here to take a listen.

You may have heard about Right vs Left Brain... in this interview, I explain more about this in terms of procurement and sales

Click here to take a listen.

Find out more about NLP and Achieve Your Greatness

I am is interviewed by Clare Horsley, Excel Elite, about NLP and Achieve Your Greatness.

Click here to take a listen.

Emma McNally speaks on CCR radio
Left Brain vs Right Brain.PNG

Are you going through uncertain times? If so, and you would like some tips, have a listen to this podcast  

I am interviewed by Ross Willsher, photographer and author, and you will learn how to move through uncertain times with greater ease. Click here to take a listen.

Emma McNally is interviewed on Your Individual Wedding Podcast

I answer 24 questions about Achieve Your Greatness!

I am interviewed by Emma Goode, from 24 Fingers about my business. clicking here 

Can you run a business 'stress-free'? Discover more in this podcast

I am interviewed on the Big Little Business Show around this important subject - click here to have a listen

Emma McNally is interviewed by the Big Little Business Show

Life changes can have an impact on how we see our identity... discover a helpful new perspective in this podcast

I talk with Ross Willsher about the impact on identity in terms of getting married, engaged and life changes. Click here to take a listen.

Emma McNally is interviewed about Identity and Marriage

I am Interviewed on BBC Essex Radio

Listen to Emma's interview with Rob Jelly on BBC Essex Radio about her role as Essex Ambassador for NLP.

Appreciative Inquiry: One Small Step for NLP, One Giant Leap for Organisational Change


Click here to listen to a short video that gives you a taster of my seminar at the NLP International Conference in May 2019.

NLP_Conference - Emma is speaking on Organisational Change and AI

How to have confidence during an interview or important meeting

Click here to listen to a podcast where I am interviewed by Dawn Moss, Your Interview Coach, where we discuss how to have confidence during an interview.

Informative Interview about how to be confident during interviews

How to have a wedding as individual as you are. The podcast - conflicts, confusion, and keeping control!

Click here to listen to a podcast where I am interviewed by the amazing photographer, Ross Willsher, and I talk about how to deal with conflicts, confusion, and how to keep control of your emotions during your wedding day and throughout the preparations.

Emma talks about confusion, conflict and keeping it together using NLP at weddings

I love NLP - have a listen to find out why on 'My Friends Are Great' website.

Click on the video to listen to why I love NLP and what it can do for you!

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Accredited ABNLP Trainer and Training Company
Essex Ambassador for ANLP
Master Practitioner member of INLPTA
Member of the Association of Integral Eye Movement Therapy
The Network of Intrinsic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology
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