Achieve Your Greatness
---- School of NLP ----

Success Stories
How NLP helped Charlotte to cure a life-long allergy to dust

How Charlotte used the NLP Allergy Cure to enable her to live a life free from sneezing and medication.
Click here to read the full story
From Dream to Reality - Being Unstoppable - Inspiring Others

From dream to reality - how NLP has helped Vicky to create the business of her dreams and inspire others along the way.
Click below to read the full case study:
How NLP Removed Scan Anxiety in Cancer Patient
Please follow the link to read my case study about how NLP helped to remove scan anxiety in a cancer patient and how she now uses NLP to help others:
Cultural Change within Local Government

Please follow the link to read my case study about how I have used NLP Training to increase employee engagement and enable cultural change within local government:
NLP has assisted learning in the classroom

Please follow the link to read my case study about how a teacher has used NLP to help students' motivation, performance levels and behaviours in the classroom:
NLP in Health and Pain Management

Please follow the link to read my case study about how NLP has helped one of my clients with pain management and health:
"Fabulous. This is going to help me run my business as well as help clients. Everyone should do this."
"Absolutely life changing. Thank you."
"Course was excellent - covered areas which I'd never even heard of. Emma made it very fun and enjoyable."